Pacific Expos is Hawaii’s largest and premier provider of consumer expositions in the state. With a focus on Hawaii products and businesses, Pacific Expos’ popular series of renowned shows have been showcasing local goods and services for decades, drawing tens of thousands of consumers every show weekend while providing support to various community organizations.
Pacific Expos management team consists of leaders in the event planning industry.

Jas J. Pascua
Chief Events Officer
Email: jpascua@pacificexpos.com
Phone: 808.216.5718
Office: 808.732.6037 ext 101

Harry Alonso
Executive Producer
Email: halonso@pacificexpos.com
Phone: 808.306.3460
Office: 808.732.6037 ext 102

Jadelin Chun
Chief Marketing Officer
Email: jchun@pacificexpos.com
Phone: 808.228.2246
Office: 808.732.6037 ext 103

Jandalen Pascua
Supervising Producer and
Sales Manager
Email: jan.pascua@pacificexpos.com
Phone: 808.358.6907
Office: 808.732.6037 ext 104
Grace Agbayani
Producer and Sales Manager
Email: g.agbayani@pacificexpos.com
Phone: 808.457.0434
Office: 808.732.6037 ext 105

Ryder Rebibis
Associate Producer & Marketing
Email: ryderrebibis@gmail.com
Phone: 808.208.5592
Office: 808.732.6037